Wednesday, October 14, 2009

social deviants

you can find my sociology experiment on Sam Graye's blog below
until i get my own copy or find it on youtube


  1. I think that your Social Deviants Experiment was an excellent one. You captured peoples reaction really well. And got a better reaction than our group, of course you were in a public popular shopping mall where we were in IKEA falling asleep on the couches waiting for people to give us some reactions or look over.
    Yours clearly showed that you were a social deviant when you just layed down and appeared to be sleeping in the middle of the intersection of a shopping mall.

  2. Dan this is so good. I really liked the idea. We also did our project in Fashion Valley, but I think yours used the surroundings better. I also have to hand it to Sam because he did an amazing job getting the reactions, and filming everything.

  3. Dan you completed this project really well! The experiment was simple yet still deviant. Who ever video taped did a great job as well because they were able to capture all your surroundings.
    Good Job!

  4. I absolutely loved your experiment!!!!! I saw it on facebook and I laughed my ass off (pardon my French). The security person couldn't take it seriously and her reaction was so silly!
