Monday, November 2, 2009

defending food

Some people chose to eat the way they do because it's either cheap, easy to make, or they don't care or know what it's made of and what it will do to them. We're so far into creating foods that are cheap that our whole society relies on it's efficiency. The government should try to regulate the food industry to make it more efficient rather then cheap and chemically harmful. Also they should let the public know about it and have companies try to follow healthy eating habits. They should not allow these companies to own or control patents for living things like seeds.


  1. Well written. You stated your points well.
    I agree with all of your poitns as well. Double win.

  2. I see what you mean and yes they shouldn't Own a plant because they can't control where it grows, unless the plant was steral from the get go then i see where it could be ok. But if they let them go, it could be more harmful to the enviornment than any chemical spilled, it's like releasing a frankinstien! A PLANTINSTIEN AHH!!

  3. To play devil's advocate- why should governments control what we do? If people can't manage to choose what they eat, what's next? Is the government going to tell me what to wear tomorrrow?

    I agree that patenting living things is going a little bit far.
    That is also a good point that food that is good for you often isn't cheap.

  4. good job kennith daniel dickey
    you make me proud son
    i like your point that some people just dont care if its healthy or not
    a small note but my fave part :]

  5. I agree that some people don't care , but I also think part of that reason is they really don't know all the health facts about what they eat and what they can do to them in the long run. I bet if people found out they were eating rat poison but it tasted like candy they would definitely stop eating the food. Also I agree that companies should not be able to patent seeds or anything that is from this natural earth it's ridiculous to me.

  6. The seed patenting is insane. The supreme court has cleared the path, and I'm terrified of what could come next.
