Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wanderer from a known land

The boy in the orange turban through the gray lands carrying only a compass and the box his father had given him. although this was a peculiar box since there was no way to open it. On top was a note scrawled in pen

Give this to Barder
Use the turban
He will lead you there

The boy had no clue as to what this meant, he would just have to travel till he found the one he was to "barter" with. He set off towards the north and eventually came upon a humongous tree that would shade him from the moon and its dreadful light. he arched his back up against the tree and lay the turban across his eyes and slept.

A ringing awoke him, but the sound was unlike what he had heard before. The sound was an "alarm clock" like they had in the olden days. he looked towards the sound and only saw the dunes. but slowly a figure arose and headed in his direction on four paws. The sun had darkened the figure and its swiftness distorted the boys view. the boy then noticed it was a rare creature called a dog especially out here in the ocean. the dog halted and presented it self before the boy in a sitting position. on his neck was a dog tag labled

Allergic to pumpkins, seaweed, and trashy romance novels

The boy had never heard of any of these things but knew that this is what his father sent him to find. the boy placed the box before Barter, the dog acknowledge the box and sniffed it. for a while nothing happened, but the corners began to disappear tuning into a sphere and then it split into four pieces. suddenly Barter and the boy began to float. the boy baked away from the dog and slowly they went down towards the ceiling. when he got close to the dog again they floated higher. the boy then jumped on the dogs back and they soared down into the ground. the boy pleaded to stop but it was no use and so he grabbed the dogs collar. they soared over the dunes and mountains of the sea. off in the distance he could see the city his dad had spoke of days before he left. The city of Profillia.


  1. HAHA This made me laugh excellent story favorite part was "Alergic to Pumpkin Seeds and trashy romance novels"- DCHI

  2. Brilliant story. Love it. I'm allergic to trashy romance novels too. Check your spelling though, there were a few mistakes. And use some capital letters. Otherwise great.

  3. Hahaha, very funny. I liked it, it seemed really serious in the beginning but gained hilarity as it went on.

  4. Nice job, I thought it was pretty funny, especially the "allergic to trashy romance novels." There were a couple typos, but overall, it was pretty good
